About Harold Davis

Dr. Harold Davis have one purpose in life, to inspire you to live to your highest Health, Wealth, and Spiritual Potential. He has dedicated his life to teaching the Success Principles that will empower you to recognize the true power that is within you. He firmly believe that you will improve your life and live your dreams with the help of Youngevity, and his coaching.

Dr. Davis will inspire you to use your personal power. In his view, personal power is your ability to see through the illusions that you encounter in your life, to decide what type of experiences you want to have in your life, and then to take the right type of actions to attract them into your life.

Central to his work is the theme that one has the potential to grow, expand, and contribute to others, no less than to oneself, simply by applying the right plan, and using Youngevity’s Lifestyle Movement as your home based business vehicle. Dr. Davis is an author, Speaker, Holistic Life Coach, and Entrepreneur, who has banked his life and success on this movement.

Dr. Davis has helped many men and women realize their highest potential, not by adapting to something out there in the world, but by assisting them in becoming the persons they already are deep down inside. It takes faith to be able to do that, and no level of faith is beyond anyone’s reach, especially with the help of Youngevity’s lifestyle movement.

Dr. Davis’s mission is to have a focus team of men and women who are positively impacting the health, and wealth of people, by empowering people to take control of their destiny.